Figuring beingness out isn\\'t e'er easy
Sometimes it makes me loathsome and queazy
As it can be utterly disheartening
Does the Noise in My Head Bother You?: A Rock 'n' Roll Memoir
The Australian Editing Handbook
The Dark Ground of Spirit: Schelling and the Unconscious
Ruan, Da's Intelligent Hybrid Systems: Fuzzy Logic, Neural Networks,
Make Your Own Electric Guitar
Motor Control and Learning - 5th Edition: A Behavioral Emphasis
Loewe, Michael's Divination, Mythology and Monarchy in Han China
While at the self instance illuminating
Life is cram full of paradoxes and principles
Not all are summarily digestible
A Heritage Of Holy Wood: The Legend Of The True Cross In Text And
50 Activities for Employee Engagement (50 Activities Series)
Algebra, Geometry and their Interactions: International Conference
Hunt & Marshall's Clinical Problems in Surgery, 2e
Be Loyal (Matthew): Following the King of Kings (The BE Series
Emotional Repair Kit: 50 Tools to Liberate Yourself from Negative
Crime and the Courts in England, 1660-1800 Paperback
Some twirl your tummy and seem detestable
Dealing beside citizens who are reprehensible
Problematic and incomprehensible
Life beyond question is a challenge
Just maddening to hold on to your mental stability
Internally have your essence in tranquility
Sustain yourself financially
While discovering and fulfilling your destiny
Balancing your energy relationally and professionally
Keeping yourself and each person else happy
That seems close to a constant impossibility
Yet breathing with discontents in disharmony
Who grumble and actuation a commiseration party
Is a burden unbearable
It makes being sometimes deplorable
Perhaps I should board a contrive and go global
Say good-by to this nonsense
That seems baffling and makes no sense
But then at hand is the ongoing battle
Between the demand for friendliness and privacy
Such contradictions are too serious for me
Perhaps nearby is a division spiritually
That inwardly unsocial will wrap up me
If that is so, than come without delay God Almighty
And compress me beside your wisdom, power, and love
Set my affections and hunch on property above
For that which I matter near here below
Is recurrently null more than a conceited show
Life is relatively the rat race, ever on the go
Surely near is much to this than meets the eye
To take on close to this day by day is to forever cry
Therefore unscrew up the skies and direct your glory
To unveil to me your distance and rewrite my beingness story
Life\\'s complexities are too by a long way for me
Come in the blink of an eye and develop me
To be the man I ought to be
Or to be with satisfaction well-appointed with me
Regardless of how others get the impression in the region of me
Settle my essence and brand me whole
For the weather of beingness are winning their toll
On this puppyish man\\'s important psyche.